Simulated distribution of the logarithm of square photon fluence rate (log(u2)) of (a) a 795 nm and (b) a 975 nm laser excitation; (c) (log(u2)) as a function of the tissue depth while the laser transmits light into the tissue model; Cross-section of the spatiotemporal temperature T distributions of 3-layer pork tissue model under (d) 795 nm and (e) 975 nm laser irradiation; (f) time-resolved temperature of surface (point (0, 0, 0 mm)) and inner (point (0, 0, 2 mm)) during 10 mins irradiation; Cross-section of the spatiotemporal normalized damage index FD distributions under (g) 795 nm and (h) 975 nm laser irradiation. (i) time-resolved normalized damage index FD of surface (point (0, 0, 0 mm)) and inner (point (0, 0, 2 mm)) during 10 mins of irradiation.