Figure 1.
Cephalometric landmarks and planes used to measure the inclination and position of the maxillary and mandibular incisors. Nasion: The most anterior point on the fronto-nasal suture in the midsagittal plane. A Point: The most posterior midline point in the concavity between the anterior nasal spine and Prosthion (the inferior point on the alveolar bone overlying the maxillary central incisors). B Point: The most posterior midline point in the concavity of the mandible between the most superior point on the alveolar bone overlying the mandibular central incisors (Infradentale) and Pogonion. Gonion: A point on the curvature of the angle of the mandible located by bisecting the angle formed by lines tangent to the posterior ramus and the inferior border of the mandible. Menton: The lowest point on the symphyseal shadow of the mandible seen on a lateral cephalogram.