Figure 2.
The SCT molecule comprises an epitope, human β2m and HHD with the H74L mutation. (a) Structure of the SCT molecule with the H74L mutation (SCT-H74L). LS: leader sequence; huβ2m: human β2m; α1, α2, α3: α1, α2, α3 domains; Tm: transmembrane domain; Cyt: cytoplasmic domain. (b) Diagram of SCT-H74L on the cell surface. (c) Expression of SCT-HHD or SCT-H74L on the surface of RMA-S cells. RMA-S and RMA-S transfectants were stained with the anti-HLA-A*02:01 mAb, followed by FITC-labeled goat antimouse IgG antibody. Thick lines: RMA-S-HHD, peptide-pulsed RMA-S-HHD (pulsed with 1 μmol/l FMP58–66), RMA-S-expressing SCT-HHD (RMA-S-SCT-HHD), and RMA-S-expressing SCT-H74L (RMA-S-SCT-H74L); Thin lines in all panels: RMA-S.