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. 2015 Mar 12;12:E34. doi: 10.5888/pcd12.140292

Table 2. Pretest (Baseline) and Posttest (12-Week Postintervention Follow-Up) Anthropometric and Clinical Measurements Among Adult Participants, by Age Group, Salud para su Corazón Mexican Pilot Study, 2009–2012.

Measurement N Adults ≤60 y
Adults >60 y
P Valuea
Pretest Posttest N Pretest Posttest
Mean height, (SD) cm 279 1.6 (0.7) 173 1.5 (0.1) .29
Mean weight, (SD) kg 278 72.2 (16.3) 73.7 (15.3) 173 68.5 (13.1) 66.51 (16.1) .30
Mean BMI, (SD) kg/m2 278 29.1 (5.6) 32.7 (11.6) 173 30.9 (5.1) 30.1 (5.4) .26
Mean waist circumference, (SD) cm 242 94.6 (15.1) 92.6 (19.8) 158 99.4 (12.5) 94.7 (1.6) .10
Fasting blood glucose, (SD) mg/dl 267 104.9 (37.4) 104.5 (39.0)b 160 129.9 (73.9) 116.7 (52.1) .03
Mean systolic pressure, (SD) mm Hg 248 120.0 (15.5) 120.2 (17.0)b 157 126.0 (23.2) 141.0 (21.1) .04
Mean diastolic pressure, (SD) mm Hg 247 79.4 (11.4) 78.0 (13.0) 158 72.9 (13.3) 77.2 (13.9) .38
Overweightc, % 278 29.4 30.0 173 33.8 40.7 .045
Obesec, % 278 47.2 44.3 173 52.5 41.8
Alcohol intake, % 245 13.5 11 113 14.5 5.3 .02
Visit the doctor regularly, % 245 50.2 62.3 163 81.6 85.5 .04
Smoking in the family, % 279 44.1 163 60.5 NA
Family history of cardiovascular disease, % 279 61.9 145 55.8 NA
Family history of diabetes, % 279 71.8 145 65.8 NA
Family history of overweight /obesity, % 279 75.7 145 70.8 NA

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; NA, not applicable (sample size too small [<10] for reliable testing).


χ2 test comparing differences of posttest responses between age groups (>60 and ≤60 years).


P for difference between pretest and posttest within age group = .02; calculated using χ2 test.


Overweight was defined as a BMI of 25.0–29.9, and obesity was defined as a BMI of 30.0 or higher.