Figure 4.
Glucose control during IVGTT in liraglutide- and placebo-treated GIPR dn transgenic pigs. (A) Plasma glucose levels and AUC glucose as well as (B) plasma insulin levels and AUC insulin during IVGTT in 18-hour fasted GIPRdn transgenic pigs after the 90-day treatment period, 0 min. = point of glucose administration, n = number of animals investigated. Data are means ± SEM. For statistical analysis (ANOVA; Linear Mixed Models; SAS 8.2), data were square-root transformed. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001. The insert in panel (A) shows the net glucose elimination rate after glucose injection as calculated as the slope for the interval 1–30 min after glucose injection of the logarithmic transformation of the individual plasma glucose values. The slopes of the net glucose elimination rate for the placebo (P: -0.0274 ± 0.0014) and liraglutide (L: -0.0355 ± 0.0011) groups were significantly different (p <0.001).