Figure 5.
Summary of the origins of subsets of genes regulated by acRPB1 with respect to relevant evolutionary events. The period between K7 repeat expansion and the diversification of vertebrates, shows particular enrichment for the origin of acRPB1 regulated genes and genes with functions relevant to animals. Each column in the heat map represents the evolutionary origin distribution of a set of genes. Color intensity reflects the magnitude of increase over background in each evolutionary window. Due to the large difference for some gene sets, two scales were necessary (red and purple). Asterisks indicate significant increase over background (Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.05). Relevant evolutionary events are identified with blue triangles. For reference, the first two columns represent the acRPB1 enriched and dysregulated origin distributions (Figure 4). The remaining columns give the origin distributions for functional subsets of genes enriched among acRPB1 sensitive genes.