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. 2014 Aug 12;2(1):20. doi: 10.1186/2050-7283-2-20

Table 3.

Linear regression models examining gender differences in the predictors of the three Interpersonal-Psychological Theory constructs (n male = 491,n female = 676)

Perceived burdensomeness Thwarted belongingness Acquired capability
Males Females Males Females Males Females
Estimate P Estimate P Estimate P Estimate P Estimate P Estimate P
(Constant) 2.304 .001 1.777 .009 3.430 .006 5.335 <.001 2.753 .008 0.084 .927
Age 0.000 .999 0.013 .396 0.008 .772 0.002 0.921 −0.022 .359 0.001 .961
Years of education (wave 1) −0.019 .288 −0.004 .798 −0.034 .283 −0.020 0.360 0.018 .506 0.033 .122
Marital status
Married (reference) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Separated/divorced/widowed −0.115 .306 0.117 .186 0.315 .110 −0.115 .332 −0.055 .740 0.138 .243
Single, never married −0.042 .425 0.026 .604 0.262 .004 0.146 .028 −0.032 .676 0.186 .005
Burdensomeness 0.570 <.001 0.435 <.001 0.059 .389 0.064 .224
Belongingness 0.185 <.001 0.242 <.001 −0.021 .590 0.029 .454
Acquired capability 0.027 .389 0.036 .224 −0.030 .590 0.029 .454
Number of life events 0.040 .020 −0.006 .738 −0.010 .744 −0.009 .714 0.053 .035 0.045 .064
Number of life traumas −0.002 .916 −0.001 .974 −0.021 .463 0.009 .726 0.093 <.001 0.108 <.001
Positive support from friends 0.056 .014 0.011 .668 −0.266 <.001 −0.313 <.001 −0.010 .764 0.019 .576
Negative interactions from friends −0.011 .479 −0.035 .029 0.083 .003 0.040 .064 0.051 .030 0.053 .013
Positive support from family −0.041 .091 −0.014 .559 −0.222 <.001 −0.148 <.001 −0.114 <.001 0.002 .950
Negative interactions from family 0.011 .435 0.030 .019 0.072 .003 −0.030 .077 −0.043 .036 0.007 .688
Ruminative style 0.013 .022 0.008 .123 0.001 .931 0.012 .077 0.002 .771 −0.005 .433
Mastery −0.020 .012 −0.016 .053 −0.019 .180 −0.045 <.001 0.031 .009 0.024 .029
EPQ neuroticism (wave 1) 0.002 .831 0.009 .272 0.011 .485 0.016 .154 −0.034 .009 −0.027 .017
EPQ extroversion (wave 1) −0.014 .062 −0.001 .914 −0.002 .887 −0.002 .826 0.019 .098 0.005 .627
EPQ psychoticism (wave 1) 0.005 .724 −0.002 .910 0.038 .107 0.026 .161 0.088 <.001 0.048 .010
SF12 physical −0.003 .464 −0.007 .029 0.016 .017 −0.001 .869 −0.006 .296 0.003 .471
SF12 mental −0.012 .00 −0.015 <.001 −0.009 .170 −0.014 .003 0.005 .331 0.010 .031
PHQ generalised anxiety −0.382 .006 −0.234 .017 0.264 .285 0.101 .440 0.194 .347 −0.145 .267
PHQ major depression 1.095 <.001 1.121 <.001 0.003 .991 0.105 .554 0.250 .291 0.008 .966
Past ideation (waves 1-3) 0.103 .139 0.043 .509 0.065 .597 0.017 .850 0.242 .018 0.154 .080
Past attempt (waves 1-3) 0.283 .193 0.234 .133 −0.233 .542 −0.192 .358 0.240 .451 0.044 .831

Note: bold values indicate P < .01; SF-12: Short Form-12; PHQ: Patient Health Questionnaire; GAD: Generalized Anxiety Disorder.