Figure 4. Comparison of the dynamics of transfer of different OMM proteins.
(A) Graph showing the mean kinetics of transfer (dashed lines) of AKAP(34–63)-PA-GFP (green) and PA-GFP-OMP25 (red) measured in separate photoactivation/bleaching experiments with mtDsRed (yellow) in HUSM cells. For each event the interval between 50% transfer of the OMM construct and mtDsRed was determined and the averages were used to merge the graphs together. Sigmoidal fits for each probe are also shown (solid lines). Average intervals for tested combinations of OMM and matrix-targeted proteins are summarized in the table. ** p =.007 comparing AKAP(34–63)-PA-GFP and PA-GFP-OMP25. (B) Time-lapse images of a single fusion event from a cell fusion experiment with mitochondria expressing AKAP(34–63)-GFP and mCherry-OMP25 at high temporal resolution, with accompanying line-scan of the fluorescence profile along the length of the AKAP-donor mitochondrion (length, vertical axis; time, horizontal axis), as well as a graph of the mean fluorescence in the AKAP-donor. The initiation points of OMP and AKAP(34–63) are indistinguishable. See also Figure S4.