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. 2015 Feb 20;177(4):1195–1210. doi: 10.1007/s00442-015-3247-0

Table 1.

Characteristics of the ten high-mountain plant species included in the study

Growth form Plant species Abbrev. Mountain belta Vertical distribution (m a.s.l.) in the Alpsb,d Sampling sitec Life formd Type of reproductive shoot Habit typee Flowering time
Dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Cal vul Colline–alpine 0–2,700 P Phanerophyte Inflorescence EAC Late (July–September)
Loiseleuria procumbens L. Loi pro Subalpine–alpine 1,800–2,800 P Chamaephyte Inflorescence PAA Early (May–June)
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. Rho fer Subalpine–alpine 700–2,500 (3,000) P Phanerophyte Inflorescence EAC Mid (June–July)
Cushion plant Saxifraga bryoides L. Sax bry Subnival–nival >2,000 m (4,200) S Chamaephyte Solitary flower PAC Late (July–August)
Saxifraga caesia L. Sax cae Alpine 1,600–2,600 (3,000) H Chamaephyte Inflorescence PAC Late (July–August)
Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Sax mos Alpine–nival >1,600 (4,200) H Chamaephyte Inflorescence PAC Mid (June–July)
Saxifraga oppositifolia L. Sax opp Alpine–nival 1,600–3,800 (4,500) H Chamaephyte Solitary flower PAA Early (May–June)
Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. Sil aca Alpine–nival 1,500–3,700 H Chamaephyte Solitary flower PAA Mid (June–July)
Perennial herb Cerastium uniflorum Clairv. Cer uni Subnival–nival 2,000–3,500 S Hemicryptophyte Terminal flower PAA Late (July–August)
Ranunculus glacialis L. Ran gla Subnival–nival >2,000 (4,275) S Cryptophyte Inflorescence PAC Early (June–July)

aMountain belt in the European Alps: subalpine, treeline ecotone; subnival, alpine–nival ecotone; nival, ice-free areas within the glacier zone

bVertical distribution according to Hegi (1975), Kaplan (1995), Landolt (1992), Zimmermann (1975), and Körner (2011); numbers in parenthesis give the highest localities recorded in the Swiss Alps

cSampling site: H, Mt Hafelekar (2,350 m a.s.l.); P, Mt Patscherkofel (1,950 m a.s.l.); S, Stubai Glacier foreland (2,880 m a.s.l.)

dLife forms according to Raunkiaer (1934)

eHabit type: EAC, vegetative shoot erect, reproductive shoot acaulescent in bud stage b1, caulescent from bud stage b2 onward; PAC, vegetative shoot prostrate, reproductive shoot acaulescent in bud stage b1, caulescent from bud stage b2 onward; PAA, vegetative shoot prostrate, reproductive shoot acaulescent in all reproductive stages