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. 2015 Mar 2;112(10):3038–3043. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1424127112

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Readthrough efficiency from HA-LUC(PTC20)-SF reporters. (A, Top) Full-length luciferase readthrough products from WT [PSI] cells expressing HA-LUC(PTC20)-SF reporters. Samples were immunoprecipitated using the N terminus HA tag, followed by Western blot analysis with anti-FLAG antibody. (A, Bottom) Readthrough products are active as observed by luciferase assay. Luciferase activity is expressed as relative luciferase units per microgram of protein/RNA units, and the activity of WT protein is set to 100%. (B) Readthrough efficiency measured as luciferase activity from the HA-LUC(PTC20)-SF reporters in response to various readthrough effectors. Activity is represented as the percentage of increase of WT [PSI] for each codon (n = 3; error bars represent SD from the mean).