Flow diagram depicting the steps taken in identifying novel miRNAs. Shown is a flow diagram of the process to identify candidate novel miRNAs from 1,323 deep-sequencing samples using miRDeep2. Only mature miRNA with associated FDR ≤ 0.05 were kept for further analysis. Discovered sequences that were present in release 20 of miRBase, or overlapped known tRNAs, snRNAs, or rRNAs were discarded. A total of 3,707 candidate miRNAs derived from 3,494 precursor sequences were identified. Intersection of the identified miRNAs with 43 Ago-CLIP-seq samples showed evidence of Ago loading for 1,657 newly discovered miRNAs. Sixty-six of the identified precursors produced two miRNAs, one from each arm: one product was supported by Ago CLIP-seq whereas the other was not.