Figure 5.
MiRNA targeted upregulated genes related with hemostasis in plaque. MiRNA targets were predicted by targetscan, Miranda and DIANAmT. The coronary plaque microarray data were analyzed by SAM and significantly differentially expressed genes were input into DAVID to select the hemostasis related genes. After integration of the miRNA targets genes and hemostasis related genes in the coronary plaque data, the miRNA target network was created to illustrate the mechanism how miRNAs were involved in the development of plaque. A: the network of whole blood miRNAs target genes. B: the network of plasma miRNAs target genes. The names of genes were official gene symbols. MicroRNAs with red border line are the miRNAs presents in the former network target the hemostasis. The yellow nodes are related with signaling of platelet activation and aggregation. The green nodes are related with formation of fibrin clot. The purple nodes are related with dissolution of fibrin clot. The blue nodes are related with cell surface interactions on the vascular wall.