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. 2015 Mar 18;10(3):e0119895. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119895

Table 1. Selected characteristics of randomised controlled studies examining the effects of cCBT and iCBT for anxiety and depression in children and adolescents.

Study Cond Age Range Inclusion Diagn Recr Setting Mean Age (SD), % Boys Conditions N Nmod Par Inv Guid-ance Outcomes and Method FU Bias a Country
Fleming, Dep 13–16 CDRS-R >29, excl: severe depr N School School 14.9 (0.79) 56 cCBT (SPARX) 20 7 N Y D: CDRS-R (Y, O), RADS-2 (Y, SR); A: SCAS-C (Y, SR) N ++++ NZ
2012 [47] WL 12
Keller, Anx 6–12 GAD > 8, SepA > 4 / SP > 7 on SCARED-P, excl:depr T-score > 65 on CDI-S N Com Home 8.41 (1.59), 51.35 iCBT 22 12 Y Y A: SCARED-P (P, SR), DISC IV-P (P, O), RCMAS (Y, SR); D: CDI-S (Y, SR) N ++++ USA
2009 [48]
WL 15
Khanna, 2010 [49] Anx 7–13 SepA, SoP, GAD, SP / PD on ADIS-P CSR > 3 Y Com Uni 10.1 (1.6), 67.35 cCBT (Camp Cope-A-Lot) 17 12, Par:2 Y Y A: ADIS-P CSR (P, O), MASC (Y, SR) N +?++ USA
Placebo 16 D: CDI (Y, SR)
Makarushka, 2012 [46] Dep 11–15 CES-D > 15, excl: no MD, D / M on K-SADS-E Y Com Home 12.7 (1.24) 44 iCBT (Blues Blaster) 76 6 N N D: CES-D (Y, SR) 6M +?++ USA
Placebo 85
March, Anx 7–12 Anx Dis (other than OCD, PD / PTSD) on ADIS-C/-P CSR > 3 Y Com Home 9.45 (1.37), 51.95 iCBT, (BRAVE for Children—ONLINE) 40 10 + 2 Boost Par:6 Y Y A: ADIS-C (Y, O), /-P CSR (P, O),SCAS-C (Y, SR), /-P (P, SR), D: CES-D (Y, SR) N ++++ AU
2009 [50]
WL 33
Sethi, Trans 15–25 low/ moderate depr/anx on DASS-21, excl: severe Depr/Anx N School Uni 19.47 (1.57) 34.21 iCBT 9 5 N Y D+A: DASS-21 (Y, SR), K, K10 (Y, SR) N ??+? AUS
2010 [51]
No treatment 10
Spence, Anx 12–18 GAD, SoP, SepA, SP on ADIS-C/-P CSR > 3, excl: prim diag of PD, OCD/ PTSD, moderate—severe mood disturbance on ADIS-C > 5 Y Com Home 13.98 (1.63), 40.87 iCBT, BRAVE for Children—ONLINE 44 10 + 2 Boost Par: 5 + 2 Boost Y Y A: ADIS-C (Y, O) /-P CSR (P, O), SCAS-C (Y, SR), /-P (P, SR) N ++++ AU
2011 [52]
WL 27
Stallard, Trans 11–16 GAD, SP, SoP / PD, excl: PTSD; mild/moderate depr, excl: severe depr N Clin Home Median 12, 66.7 cCBT (Think, Feel, Do) 10 6 N Y A: SCAS (Y, SR), D: AWS (Y, SR) N +++- UK
2011 [53]
WL 10
Stasiak, Dep 13–18 CDRS-R > 29, RADS-2 > 75 N School School 15.2 (1.6) 59 cCBT (The Journey) 17 7 N N D: CDRS-R (Y, O), RADS-2 (Y, SR) 1M ++++ NZ
2012 [45] Placebo 17
Storch, 2011 [54] Anx 7–16 OCD on ADIS-IV-C/-P CSR > 3, CY-BOCS > 15 Y Clin Com Home 11.10 (2.59), 61 cCBT WL 16 15 14 Y Y A: ADIS-IV-C (Y, O) /-P CSR (P, O), CY-BOCS (Y, O), COIS-C (Y, SR) /-P (P, SR), MASC (Y, SR), N +?-+ USA
D: CDI (Y, SR)
Tillfors, Anx 15–21 SoP on SPSQ-C, public speaking fears, Depr < 30 on MADRS-S Y Com Home 16.5 (1.6), 10.53 iCBT 10 9 N Y A: LSAS-SR (Y, SR); SPS (Y, SR), SIAS (Y, SR), SPSQ (Y, SR), BAI (Y, SR); D: MADRS-S (Y, SR) N ??+- SWE
2011 [55]
WL 9
Wuthrich, 2012 [56] Anx 14–17 Any Anx Dis on ADIS-IV-C/-P CSR Y Com Home 15.17 (1.11) 37.21 cCBT, Cool TeensWL 24 19 8 Y Y A: ADIS-C (Y, O) /-P CSR (P, O), SCAS-C (Y, O) /-P (P, O) N ++++ AU
Van der Zanden, Dep 16–25 CES-D >10 < 45 N Com Home 20.9 (2.2), 15.6 iCBT, Master your Mood 121 6 N Y D: CES-D (Y, SR), A: HADS-A (Y, SR) N ++++ NL
2012 [57] WL 123

a) Bias: Risk of Bias: In this column a positive or negative sign is given for four risk of bias criteria, respectively: allocation sequence; concealment of allocation to conditions; blinding of assessors; and intention-to-treat analyses. A? is given if there were not enough information to judge.


ADIS-C: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children; ADIS-IV-C: for DSM-IV: Child Version; ADIS-IV-P: Parent Version; ADIS-P: Parent Version; Anx: Anxiety; Attention: Attention Control; AU: Australia; AWS: Adolescent Well Being Scale; BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory; Boost: Booster Sessions; CBT: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; cCBT: Computerized CBT; CDI-S: Children´s Depression Inventory, Short Form; CDI: Children's Depression Inventory; CDRS-R: Children’s Depression Rating Scale, Revised; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; Clin: Clinical Sample; COIS-C: Child Obsessive Compulsive Impact Scale, Child Version; COIS-P: Parent Version; Com: Community Sample; Cond: Condition; CSR: Clinical Severity Rating; CY-BOCS: Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; D: Dysthymia; DASS-21: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale Dep: Depression; Diagn: Diagnostic Confirmation, Diagnostic Interview + all participant fulfil disorder (no subclinical); Dis: Disorders; DISC IV-P: Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; Excl: Excluded; FU: Follow-Up; GAD: Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Guidance: Therapeutic or Administrative Support by a Professional; HADS-A: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Anxiety subscale); iCBT: Internetbased CBT; K-SADS-E: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, Epidemiological Version; K10: Kessler Psychological Distress Scale; LSAS-SR: Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Self-Report; M: Month: Trans: Transdiagnostic; M. Mania; MADRS-S: Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale-Self-Rated; MASC: Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children; MD: Major Depression; N: NoN: Number of participants in each condition;NL: Netherlands;Nmod: Number of modules in the intervention;NZ: New Zealand; O: Observerrating (Clinician) OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; P: Parent Report; Par Inv: Parental Involvement;Par: Parent Sessions; PD: Panic Disorder; Prim Diag: Primary Diagnosis; PTSD: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; RADS-2: Reynolds ´Adolescent Depression Scale, 2nd Edition; RCMAS: Revised Children ´s Manifest Anxiety Scale; Recr: Recruitment; SCARED-P: Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, Parent Version; SCAS-C: Spence Children´s Anxiety Scale, Child Version; SCAS-P: Parent Version; SD: Standard Deviation, SepA: Separation Anxiety Disorder; SIAS: Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; SoP: Social Phobia; SP: Specific Phobia; SPS: Social Phobia Scale; SPSQ-C: Social Phobia Screening Questionnaire for Children; SR: Self Report; SWE: Sweden; UK: United Kingdom; Uni: University Lab; USA: United States of America; WL: Waiting List Control; Y: Yes; Y: Youth Report.