Cre and tTA dependent intersectional strategy at the TIGRE locus produces tightly regulated and high-level expression. (A) Schematic diagram of intersectional control by Cre and tTA, driven by different promoters (P1 or P2), on a double reporter line based in the TIGRE locus, Ai62(TITL-tdT). (B) Comparison of tdTomato fluorescence in 4 transgenic mouse lines carrying either Ai14 or Ai62 reporter alleles. (C) No detectable tdTomato expression in the Cre+/tTA- control Nr5a1-Cre;Ai62(TITL-tdT), or in Cre-/tTA+ controls ROSA:LNL:tTA;Ai62(TITL-tdT) and ROSA26-ZtTA;Ai62(TITL-tdT). Very weak tdTomato fluorescence was seen in the barrel cortex and hippocampus of Camk2a-tTA;Ai62(TITL-tdT) control mice (Cre-/tTA+). (D) Poor tdTomato expression in similar triple Tg mice with a TIGRE reporter (TTL-tdT) that lacks chromatin insulators (compare to B). Right, a higher-magnification confocal image of somatosensory cortex shows that the sparsely labeled cells are layer 4 neurons. For B-D, exposure time for each epifluorescence image is shown for comparison. (See also Figures S4-S6.)