Fig. 3.
PglX methyltransferase activity is required for the Pgl phenotype. (A) SPHX (ΔpglX) was challenged with 3×102 pfu/ml of ϕC31cΔ25, grown on J1929 (pglY−) Bedford et al. (1995). Wild type Streptomyces coelicolor M145 (pglX+), SPHX pPS8003 (ΔpglX/pglX+) and SPHX pPH1002 (ΔpglX/pglXY381A) were challenged with 1×105 pfu ml−1 ϕC31cΔ25. (B) Methyltransferase activity of heterologously expressed PglX–His6 (squares) and PglXY381A–His6 (circles) using 3H-AdoMet as the methyl donor to ϕC31cΔ25 DNA isolated from J1929 (pglY−) Bedford et al. (1995). Data are the mean of two replicate experiments. (C) Time dependent methyltransferase activity of PglX–His6 on ϕC31cΔ25 DNA isolated from J1929 (pglY−). Data are the mean of three replicate experiments and error bars represent the SD of the data. (D) Dependence of methyltransferase activity of PglX–His6 on protein, ϕC31cΔ25 DNA and competition by addition of 10 nM unlabelled AdoMet to indicate specificity of activity (data are the mean of two replicate experiments).