Figure 2. GFP–TipAct captures and redirects microtubule growth along actin bundles.
(a) Classification of the interaction outcome between growing microtubule plus-ends and actin bundles, and how the intersection angle θ and microtubule length L were defined. (b) Time series of a microtubule grown without GFP–TipAct whose plus-end is mechanically deflected by an actin bundle (Supplementary Movie 5). Analysis of the probability of each interaction outcome as defined in a, as a function of θ, both without (c) and with increasing concentrations of GFP–TipAct (d,e). (f) Analysis of the probability of each interaction outcome as a function of L with (bottom) or without (top) 50 nM GFP–TipAct. (g) Comparison of the compound probability of each outcome for all the concentrations of GFP–TipAct used. For each of the following conditions: 0, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 50 nM GFP–TipAct, n=708, 459, 421, 443 and 914 interactions were analysed, respectively. (h) Time series of a microtubule grown with GFP–TipAct that zippers onto an actin bundle as it grows (Supplementary Movie 6). Composition: 25 μM tubulin, 100 nM EB3 and 500 nM fascin for n=6 experiments with (h) and n=9 experiments without (b) 50 nM GFP–TipAct. In b and h, white arrowheads indicate the growing plus-ends of the microtubules. Scale bars, 10 μm; time, min:s.