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. 2015 Mar 19;226(4):99. doi: 10.1007/s11270-015-2308-7

Table 2.

Molecularly identified EM fungi on Salix alba, Salix caprea, and Betula pendula fine roots during autumn 2012 and spring 2013

Tree species and season T bp Closest BLAST match (accession numbers—NCBI* and/or UNITE**) % similarity Classified as EM density
Autumn 2012
S. alba 637 Tomentella isolate [EU668202 and UDB002428]* (Bidartondo and Read 2008); Tomentella stuposa [UDB011637]** 617/630 (97 %) and 587/595 (98 %) 623/639 (97 %) Tomentella sp. Sa-A [KP745605] 24.63 %
S. caprea 699 Hebeloma collariatum [JQ724066]* 693/696 (99 %) H. collariatum Sc-A [KP745607] 3.88 %
H. collariatum [UDB015489]** 668/674 (99 %)
636 Geopora sp. [JQ724044]* (Hrynkiewicz et al. 2012b) 565/636 (89 %) Geopora sp. Sc-A [KP745606] 11.82 %
Geopora arenicola [UDB017620]** 368/406 (90 %)
B. pendula 563 Uncultured fungus genomic [FN397282]* (Napoli et al. 2010) 563/566 (99 %) Helotiales sp. Bp- [KP745604] 27.18 %
Ectomycorrhizal fungus [JX043062]* (Karst et al. 2013) 542/552 (98 %)
Helotiales sp. [JN859267]* (Knapp et al. 2012) 528/541 (98 %)
Spring 2013
S. alba 874 Thelephoraceae [EF218829]* (Twieg et al. 2007) 831/874 (95 %) Tomentella sp. Sa-S [KP745608] 10.82 %
Thelephoraceae [AJ893343]* (Tedersoo et al. 2006b) 800/831 (96 %)
Tomentella sp. [UDB018687]** 832/866 (96 %)
T. ellisii [UDB016490]** 818/855 (95 %)
S. caprea 623 Tomentella ellisii [DQ068971]* (Menkis et al. 2005) 598/614 (97 %) Tomentella sp. Sc-S [KP745609] 7.54 %
Tomentella sp. [UDB018687]** 583/614 (94 %)
T. ellisii [UDB016490]** 569/603 (94 %)
B. pendula Colour, brownish; rhizomorphs, not observed; mantle, plectemchymatic B; cystidia, lacking; surface, smooth; emanating hyphae, scarce Thelephoraceae B.p_1S 6.95 %
Colour, brown; rhizomorphs, not observed; mantle, plectemchymatic B; cystidia, lacking; surface, smooth; and emanating hyphae, lacking Pyronemataceae B.p_2S 5.20 %
Colour, gold-brown; rhizomorph,: not observed;, mantle, plectemchymatic A; cystidia, lacking; surface: smooth; emanating hyphae: abundant with clamps Thelephoraceae B.p_3S 1.97 %

Abbreviations: B.p Betula pendula, S.c Salix caprea, S.a Salix alba