(A–F) Serum-starved Hep3B cells were stimulated with 100 ng/ml hFGF19 as indicated. Immunoblotting was performed with indicated antibodies for total cell lysate (TCL) or immunoprecipitates. In E–F, the cells were treated with lenti-viruses expressing either scrambled (sh-scr) or Shp2-specific (sh-Shp2) shRNAs for 72 hrs before starvation.
(G) The same samples as in Figure 6D were blotted with antibodies to FGFR4 and β-actin.
(H) The same samples as in Figure 6C were immunoblotted for FGFR4 and Shp2.
(I) A model shows how Shp2 orchestrates BA and FGF15/19 signaling in control of BA biosynthesis.