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. 2015 Mar 19;26(2):37–44. doi: 10.7171/jbt.15-2602-001


Score Function Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate T statistic P Definition
Mean −13.058 −0.601 0.28 Value when other variables are 0
RMSI 0.708 3.278 0.00082 Inline graphic
LinMid 4.638 4.348 0.00002 Inline graphic
LinRght 5.174 4.233 0.00003 Inline graphic
FirstDif −57.831 −1.308 0.096 Inline graphic
ScndDif 44.981 1.091 0.14 Inline graphic
RMSI2 −0.001 −2.665 0.0048 RMSI squared

Is (i), Scaled illumination (Eq. 1 in Supplemental Data) at position i of scan s; ηs, number of non-0 scan s values; βs (L), slope of scan s in line segment L: left = 1, middle = 2, or right = 3; ηs (L), its length. RMSI penalizes departures from the maximal intensity. Linear middle (LinMid) and linear right (LinRght) variables penalize illumination changes depending on their lengths. First differences (FirstDif) and second differences (ScndDif) penalize changes in adjacent and triplet positions. With the exception of RMSI, all variables are logged before computing the score function, defined as the sum of the product of the estimates and variables.