Representative images and quantification of HO-1 and VEGF expression levels after 24 hours in normoxia (A, B, C), and hypoxia (D, E, F) in presence or absence of candesartan at (1μg/ml). Candesartan treatment increased levels of HO-1 in normoxia and hypoxia scramble group but not in siRNA group. Candesartan treatment tended to increase VEGF expression in normoxia but not in hypoxia. Scr-Ctrl: Scramble- control, Scr-Cand: Scramble- candesartan, siRNA- Ctrl: siRNA control, siRNA- Cand: siRNA candesartan. Two-way ANOVA showed significant interaction between candesartan and gene silencing in HO-1 protein level in EC, *p<0.05 vs Scr-Ctrl, n=3-6/group.