Figure 7.
KIT expression is restricted to developing photoreceptors and developing and mature horizontal cells. The spatiotemporal expression pattern of KIT was assessed by frozen section in situ hybridization at embryonic days E6 (A), E8 (B), E12 (C), E16 (D), and E20 (E), and at post-hatch day 7 (F). Transcript is first detected at E8 at the outer edge of the outer neuroblast layer, and localizes to both the ONL and a subpopulation of INL cells at E12 and E16 (B-D). The signal in photoreceptors is diminished by E20 and absent by P7, while inner retinal staining remains distinct through P7 (E-F). ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, GCL = ganglion cell layer. Scale bar = 50 μm.