Figure 8.
Differentially expressed cell adhesion molecules are restricted to photoreceptors and distinct populations of inner nuclear cells. The spatiotemporal expression pattern of differentially expressed cell adhesion molecules DSCAM (A-D), DSCAML1 (E-H), FAT4 (I-L) and CHL1 (M-P) were determined by in situ hybridization. Time points assessed were embryonic days 8 (E8), E12, E16 and E20, which include the critical period of synaptogenesis from E13-E20. Expression in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) is apparent for all adhesion molecules at E12 and E16. Strong expression is also detected within the inner nuclear layer (INL), with each gene localizing to distinct levels of the INL. Expression in the INL persists longer than in the ONL, and is present through E20. Localization of DSCAM and DSCAML1 in the ONL at E12 was assayed in paraffin sections at a higher magnification (B2,F2). Asterisks mark unlabeled photoreceptors. ONL= outer nuclear layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, GCL = ganglion cell layer. Scale bar = 50 μm for panels, 10 μm for insets.