The BRCT 4 motif or the C-terminal region of Dpb11 binds to ssDNA. A–D, to determine the region of Dpb11 involved in the Dpb11-ssDNA interaction, single-stranded DNA from yeast origins (ARS1–3) with a 3′ biotin tag was conjugated to magnetic streptavidin beads. 4 pmol of this biotinylated DNA was incubated with the different fragments of radiolabeled PKA-Dpb11 (as indicated) at 30 °C for 10 min. As a control, beads without DNA were incubated with radiolabeled PKA-Dpb11 fragments. The beads were washed and analyzed as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The results from the experiment were quantified, averaged, and plotted as picomoles of Dpb11 bound versus picomoles of input Dpb11. FL, full-length.