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. 2015 Feb 11;15(2):4097–4133. doi: 10.3390/s150204097

List of the Analyzed Prototypes

Prototype Learning Domain Formative Assessment Contribution Sensors Used Description
Ailisto et al., (2006) [90] Cognitive - CamerasRFID readers It reads tags placed in objects in order to present more information about them.

Anderson & Reiser (1985) [40] Cognitive Feedback Software Sensors A tutoring system that helps students when having trouble solving some problems for the lisp programing language.

Amaratunga et al., (2002) [46] Cognitive - Accelerometers It monitors the movement of a flagpole and streams this data through the network creating a virtual lab.

Arroyo et al., (2009) [36] Cognitive Attitudes towards teaching Camera, Galvanic skin conductance, pressure mouse, accelerometers. It is a prototype that detects the emotional state of students while interacting with an intelligent tutoring system.

Baca & Kornfeind (2006) [75]-Biathlon Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Camera It analyzes the movement of the rifle.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

Baca & Kornfeind (2006) [75]-Rowing Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Force transducer It is analyzes the rowing technique.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

Baca, & Kornfeind (2006) [75]-Table tennis Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It analyzes the position of the table tennis shots.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

Börner et al., (2014) [35] Cognitive - Camera It is a ambient display that adapts its behavior to capture the attention of learners.

Broll et al., (2011) [91] Cognitive - NFC It is a game where players need to touch parts of a screen with NFC readers

Chapel (2008) [92] Cognitive - GPS It provides a communication system for students in a university.

Chavira et al., (2007) [93] Cognitive - RFID It gives contextual information to the participants of a conference.

Chen & Huang, (2012) [69] Cognitive Skills in setting RFID It gives a tour through a museum.
Evaluative skills

Chu et al., (2010) [94] Cognitive - RFID It gives a tour through a botanic garden.

Dung & Florea (2012) [31] Cognitive Feedback Software sensors It detects the learning style of students and presents them later with learning objects fitting their style.

Edge et al., (2011) [30] Cognitive - GPS It helps to learn a second language by presenting users with contextual phrases.

Ghasemzadeh et al., (2009) [48] Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It analyzes golf swings.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

GlobiLab for middle & high schools [43] Cognitive - - Commercial software to visualize and analyze sensor data.

Greene (2010) [50] Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Gyroscopes It analyzes the user's gait.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

Hester et al., (2006) [52] Cognitive Knowledge of criteria and standards Accelerometers It measures the movements of people who have suffered a heart stroke.
Skills in setting

Hicks et al., (2010) [53] Cognitive Self-Assessment Accelerometer It captures the health and behavior of the user, with the sensors of a mobile device
Feedback GPS

Hsu & Ho (2012) [32] Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter NFC It chooses the learning path of the learner according to its tracked competences
Knowledge of criteria and standards
Evaluative skills

James et al., (2004)[47] swimming Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It analyzes the movements of the user while swimming.
Knowledge of criteria and standards

James et al., (2004) [47] rowing Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It analyzes the movements and applied forces of the user while rowing.
Knowledge of criteria and standards
Heart rate monitors

Jraidi, I., & Frasson, C. (2012) [38] Cognitive - EEG It detects the uncertainty of students while performing exercises in an intelligent tutoring system.

Kaasinen et al., (2009) [29] Cognitive - NFC It reads tags placed in objects in order to present more information

Kanjo(2009) [42] MobAsthma Cognitive - Air pollutants sensors It measures the air pollution and compares it asthma cases.
Software sensors

Kanjo(2009) [42] NoiseSpy Cognitive - GPS It measures the noise pollution.

Kanjo(2009) [42] PollutionSpy Cognitive - Air pollutants sensors It measures the air pollution.

Karime et al., (2011) [95] Cognitive - RFID It is a magic wand that recognizes objects and displays information about them on an ambient screen.

Kozaki et al., (2010) [96] Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It tracks the motion of the user in order to infer its activity
Knowledge of criteria and standards ECG

Kubicki et al., (2011) [97] Cognitive - RFID It is an interactive tabletop able to identify tangible objects.

Kuflik et al., (2011) [98] Cognitive - RFID It is a mobile guide for museums.

Lee & Carlisle (2011) [54] Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometers It detects falls using the accelerometer of mobile devices.
Knowledge of criteria and standards GPS

Linden et al., (1996) [33] Cognitive Feedback EEG It trains children with ADD to pay attention.

Littlewort et al., (2011) [37] Cognitive Attitudes towards teaching Camera This prototype tracks the facial expressions of kids while solving problems using a tutoring system.

Logger Pro [44] Cognitive - Commercial Software to visualize sensor data.

Lu et al., (2009) [99] Cognitive - Microphone It uses the microphone of the mobile device of the user to identify its context and present information about it.

Mandula et al., (2011) [100] Cognitive Skills in setting RFID It identifies indoor locations and objects in order to give contextual information to the user.
Evaluative skills

Maisonneuve et al., (2009) [101] Cognitive - Microphone It measures the noise pollution.

Muñoz-Organero et al., (2010) [102] Cognitive - RFID It uses sensors to identify objects and give information about them.

Muñoz-Organero et al., (2010) [103] Network Lab Cognitive Skills in setting RFID It identifies objects on a network lab and gives information about them to the users.

Nijholt et al., (2007) [104] Cognitive - Cameras It captures and displays the non-verbal input of the user.

Ogata et al., (2006) [105] Cognitive - GPS It helps to learn a second language by presenting users with contextual phrases.

Pentland (2004) [51] Medical Monitoring Cognitive Knowledge of subject matter Accelerometer It monitors the health condition of the user.
Blood pressure sensor, EEG
Knowledge of criteria and standards
Heart-rate monitor
Galvanic skin sensor GPS

Pentland (2004) [51] Memory Glasses Cognitive Feedback Bluetooth It triggers reminders to the user according to its context
Software Sensors

Pérez-Sanagustín et al., (2012) [106] Cognitive - NFC It provides contextual information to students inside of the university campus.

Rahman, & El Saddik (2012) [107] Cognitive - Accelerometers It gets information about objects by pointing at them.
Infrared cameras

Ramirez-Gonzalez et al.,(2012) [108] Cognitive Skills in setting NFC It allows teachers to create information about objects so that students can access this information later.

Serbedzija & Fairclough (2012) [41] Cognitive - Heart-rate monitor It adapts the cockpit of a car according to the user's state and driving rules.
GPS Speedometer

SPARKvue [45] Cognitive - Commercial Software to visualize sensor data.

Spelmezan, Schanowski & Borchers (2009) [49] Cognitive - Bend sensors It tracks important moments during snowboarding.
Force sensors
Inertial sensors
Software Compass

Strachan (2005) [79] Cognitive Feedback GPS It helps users to navigate through sounds.

Szafir & Mutlu (2013) [34] Cognitive Knowledge of criteria and standards EEG It tracks the attention level of students during a virtual lecture, and recommends which subjects to review after it.
Skills in setting

Whitehill et al., (2008) [39] Cognitive Knowledge of criteria and standards Camera The prototype determines the speed at which lesson material should be presented in a tutoring system according to the facial expressions of the learner.

Garrido (2011) [109] Cognitive - Affective Skills in setting NFC It is a game where objects can be found by using sensors.
Evaluative skills RFID

Heggen (2012) [57] Cognitive - Affective Skills in setting Accelerometer It uses the sensors on a mobile device to gather scientific data.

Carroll et al.,(2013) [70] Affective Self-Assessment Accelerometer It monitors the emotional state of the user and keeps track of its eating habits.
Feedback Electro dermal activity

Consolvo et al., (2008) [55] Affective Self-Assessment Accelerometer Barometer It monitors and keeps track of the physical activity of the user.
Thermometer microphone

Froehlich et al., (2009) [71] Affective Self-Assessment Accelerometer It monitors and keeps track of the means of travel by the user.
Feedback Infrared camera

Hsieh et al., (2008) [72] Affective Self-Assessment Software sensors It monitors and keeps track of the user's activities.

Pentland(2004) [51] DiabeNet Affective Self-Assessment Blood glucose meter It monitors the glucose condition of the user.
Software sensors

Verpoorten et al., (2009) [56] Affective Feedback Software sensors It adapts a virtual learning environment according to the learner's actions and interests.

Aukee et al., (2004) [74] Psychomotor Feedback Biofeedback(Barometer) It gives feedback about the pelvic floor activity, and it is used to improve incontinence.

Bevilacqua et al., (2007) [59] Psychomotor Knowledge of criteria and standards Accelerometers It maps gestures taught on a music lesson to sounds.
Feedback Gyroscopes

Brunelli, et al., (2006) [58] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It corrects the posture of people going through a rehabilitation process.
Inertial sensors

Burish, & Jenkins (1992) [76] Psychomotor Feedback Electromyograph It teaches patients going through Chemotherapy how to relax.

Cockburn et al., (2008) [68] Psychomotor Feedback Cameras It is a game that trains children with autism to perform some facial gestures.

Hoque et al., (2013) [67] Psychomotor Feedback Cameras It is a prototype that helps learners to develop social skills for job interviews

Kranz et al., (2006) [61] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It corrects the movements of patients going through physiotherapy.

Kwon & Gross (2005) [62] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It is a motion training system for martial arts.

Lehrer et al., (2000) [77] Psychomotor Feedback ECG It trains users to breath according to the heartbeat.

Li et al., (2012) [78] Psychomotor Feedback Camera It is a game based psychomotor skill training for kids with autism.

Paradiso et al., (2004) [73] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It produces different sounds according to the gait of the users.

Spelmezan & Borchers (2008) [63] Psychomotor Knowledge of subject matter Bend sensors It helps to train the snowboarding technique.
Force sensors
Knowledge of criteria and standards Inertial sensors
Feedback Software Compass

Spelmezan et al., (2009) [64] Psyhomotor Feedback Bend sensors It helps to train the snowboarding technique using haptic feedback.
Force sensors
Inertial sensors
Software Compass

Takahata et al., (2004) [65] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It helps to train karate movements.

Vales-Alonso et al.,(2010) [66] Psychomotor Feedback Barometer It helps cross country runners with its training.
Heart-rate monitor

Van der Linden et al., (2011) [60] Psychomotor Feedback Inertial motion capture sensors It is a prototype that helps learners to practice certain movements while playing violin.

Verhoeff et al., (2009) [80] Psychomotor Feedback Accelerometers It gives feedback according to the user's gait.

Chang et al., (2009) [110] - - Humistor It is a house that adapts certain aspects automatically according to the user's preferences
Light sensors

Hsu (2010) [111] - - RFID It is a house that adapts the music being played automatically according to the user's preferences.

Krause et al., (2006) [112] - - Accelerometer It is a mobile phone that changes its behavior according to the user state and surroundings.
Galvanic skin response