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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Mar 20.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Hypertens Rep. 2013 Dec;15(6):676–686. doi: 10.1007/s11906-013-0388-6

Table 1.

Genetic variants which achieved P < 5×10−8 in previous GWAS meta-analyses, according to their one mega-base position.

Chr Region Lead SNP Position Nearest Gene Functional Relevance Associated Phenotype(s) Identifying Consortium
1p36 rs880315 10719453 CASZ11 Intron DBP AGEN
rs17367504 11785365 MTHFR1 Intron SBP, DBP, HTN, MAP Global BPgen, AGEN, ICBP2,3

1p13 rs17030613 112971190 CAPZA11 Intron DBP AGEN
rs2932538 113018066 MOV10 Near Promoter SBP, DBP ICBP2

2q24 rs16849225 164615066 FIGN Intergenic SBP AGEN
rs13002573 164623454 FIGN Intergenic PP ICBP3
rs1446468 164671732 FIGN Intergenic SBP, DBP, MAP ICBP3

3p24 rs13082711 27512913 SLC4A7 Intergenic DBP. MAP ICBP2,3

3p22 rs3774372 41852418 ULK41 Missense DBP ICBP2
rs9815354 41887655 ULK41 Intron DBP CHARGE, AGEN

3p21 rs319690 47902488 MAP41 Intron SBP, DBP, MAP ICBP3

3q26 rs419076 170583580 MECOM1 Intron SBP, DBP, MAP ICBP2,3
rs1343040 170668987 MECOM1 Intron MAP ICBP3

4q12 rs871606 54494002 CHIC2 Intergenic PP ICBP3

4q21 rs13149993 81377569 FGF5 Intergenic MAP ICBP3
rs1458038 81383747 FGF5 Intergenic SBP, DBP, MAP ICBP2,3
rs16998073 81403365 FGF5 Intergenic SBP, DBP, HTN, MAP Global BPgen, AGEN, ICBP3

4q24 rs13107325 103407732 SLC39A81 Missense SBP, DBP, MAP ICBP2,3

4q25 rs6825911 111601087 ENPEP Intergenic DBP AGEN

4q32 rs13139571 156864963 GUCY1A31 Intron DBP ICBP2,3

5p13 rs1173756 32825609 NPR31 3′ UTR PP ICBP3
rs1173766 32840285 NPR3 Intergenic SBP AGEN
rs1173771 32850785 NPR3 Intergenic SBP, DBP, HTN.

5q33 rs9313772 157737035 EBF1 Intergenic MAP ICBP3
rs11953630 157777980 EBF1 Intergenic MAP, SBP, DBP ICBP2,3

6p22 rs1799945 26199158 HFE1 Missense MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2,3
rs198846 26215442 HIST1H1T Near 3′UTR MAP ICBP3

6p21 rs805303 31724345 BAG61 Intron SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2

7q22 rs17477177 106199094 PIK3CG Intergenic PP, SBP ICBP3

7q36 rs3918226 150321109 NOS3 Near Promoter HTN HYPERGENES

8q24 rs2071518 120504993 NOV1 3′ UTR PP ICBP3

10p12 rs4373814 18459978 CACNB21 Intron SBP, DBP ICBP2
rs1813353 18747454 CACNB21 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2,3
rs11014166 18748804 CACNB21 Intron MAP, DBP CHARGE, AGEN, ICBP3
rs12258967 18767965 CACNB21 Intron MAP ICBP3

10q21 rs4590817 63137559 C10orf1071 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2,3
rs1530440 63194597 C10orf1071 Intron MAP, DBP Global BPgen, AGEN, ICBP3

10q23 rs9663362 95885167 PLCE11 Intron PP ICBP3
rs932764 95885930 PLCE11 Intron SBP, HTN ICBP2,3

10q24 rs1004467 104584497 CYP17A11 Intron PP, MAP, SBP CHARGE, ICBP3
rs3824755 104585839 CYP17A11 Intron PP ICBP3
rs11191548 104836168 NT5C2 Intergenic PP, MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN Global BPgen, AGEN, ICBP2,3
rs11191593 104929205 NT5C21 Intron MAP ICBP3

10q25 rs2782980 115771517 ADRB1 Intergenic MAP ICBP3

11p15 rs7129220 10307114 ADM Intergenic SBP ICBP2,3

11p15 rs381815 16858844 PLEKHA71 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP CHARGE, AGEN, ICBP2,3

11q22 rs633185 100098748 ARHGAP421 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2,3
rs604723 100115756 ARHGAP421 Intron MAP ICBP3

11q24 rs11222084 129778440 ADAMTS-8 Intergenic PP ICBP3

12q21 rs4842666 88465680 POC1B Intergenic SBP CHARGE
rs11105328 88466521 POC1B Intergenic SBP CHARGE
rs2681472 88533090 ATP2B11 Intron PP, MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN CHARGE, AGEN, ICBP3
rs2681492 88537220 ATP2B11 Intron PP, MAP, SBP, DBP CHARGE, ICBP3
rs11105354 88550654 ATP2B11 Intron SBP, HTN CHARGE
rs12579302 88574634 ATP2B1 Near Promoter SBP, HTN CHARGE
rs17249754 88584717 ATP2B1 Intergenic PP, MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN CHARGE, AGEN, ICBP3
rs11105364 88593407 ATP2B1 Intergenic SBP, HTN CHARGE
rs11105368 88598572 ATP2B1 Intergenic SBP, HTN CHARGE
rs11105378 88614872 ATP2B1 Intergenic SBP, HTN CHARGE
rs12230074 88614998 ATP2B1 Intergenic SBP, HTN CHARGE

12q24 rs3184504 110368991 SH2B31 Missense MAP, SBP, DBP CHARGE, ICBP2,3
rs4766578 110388754 ATXN1 Intron DBP CHARGE
rs10774625 110394602 ATXN1 Intron DBP CHARGE
rs653178 110492139 ATXN21 Intron MAP, DBP CHARGE, Global Bpgen, ICBP3
rs671 110726149 ALDH21 Missense SBP, DBP AGEN
rs11066132 110952589 NAA251 Intron SBP, DBP AGEN
rs2074356 111129784 HECTD41 Intron SBP, DBP AGEN
rs11066280 111302166 HECTD41 Intron SBP, DBP AGEN

12q24 rs2384550 113837114 TBX3 Intergenic DBP CHARGE, AGEN
rs10850411 113872179 TBX3 Intergenic DBP ICBP2,3
rs35444 114036820 TBX3 Intergenic DBP AGEN

15q24 rs1378942 72864420 CSK1 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN Global BPgen, AGEN, ICBP2,3
rs6495122 72912698 ULK31 Intron MAP, DBP CHARGE, ICBP3

15q26 rs2521501 89238392 FES1 Intron MAP, SBP, DBP ICBP2,3

17q21 rs12946454 40563647 ACBD4 Near Promoter SBP Global Bpgen, AGEN

17q21 rs8069437 42261948 WNT3 Intergenic PP ICBP3
rs17608766 42368270 GOSR21 Intron PP, SBP ICBP2,3

17q21 rs12940887 44757806 ZNF6521 Intron SBP, DBP ICBP2,3
rs16948048 44795465 ZNF652 Near Promoter DBP Global Bpgen, AGEN

18p11 rs8096897 13428905 c18orf11 Intron SBP CHARGE

20p12 rs1327235 10917030 JAG1 Intergenic MAP, SBP, DBP ICBP2,3

20q13 rs6026748 57179210 ZNF831 Intergenic MAP ICBP3
rs6015450 57184512 ZNF831 Intergenic MAP, SBP, DBP, HTN ICBP2,3

AGEN=Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network; CHARGE=Cohorts for Hearts and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology; Chr=Chromosome; DBP=Diastolic blood pressure; Global Bpgen=Global Blood Pressure Genetics; HTN=Hypertension; ICBP=International Consortium of Blood Pressure; MAP=Mean arterial pressure; PP=Pulse pressure; SBP=Systolic blood pressure.


Corresponding variant is located within this gene;


ICBP publication by Ehret and colleagues [5];


ICBP publication by Wain and colleagues [16].