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. 2015 Mar 20;9(3):e0003622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003622

Table 1. Demographics.

HIV+/FIL+ HIV+/FIL- Two-sided p-value
Number 28 52^ NA
N (%) female 12 (43%) 23 (44%) 1.00 (Fisher’s exact)
N (%) Tamil 19 (68%) 38 (73%) 0.33 (Fisher’s exact)
N (%) Telegu 9 (32%) 11 (21%)
N (%) other/N/A 0 (0%) 3 (6%)
GM (SD) 34.0 (6.9) 34.8 (6.6) 0.5 (WMW)
N (%) on ART 16 (57%) 28 (54%)* 1.00 (Fisher’s exact)*
Baseline Labs GM (95% CI)
Hgb 12.7 (11.8, 13.5) 13.1 (12.7, 13.4) 0.39 (WMW)
WBC 6.4 (5.5, 7.4) 6.2 (5.7, 6.8) 0.76 (WMW)
% EOS 6.0 (4.3, 8.3) 4.8 (3.9, 5.9) 0.23 (WMW)
Plts 274 (220, 342) 227 (208, 284) 0.18 (WMW)
Liver function
ALT 25 (21, 29) 26 (22, 30) 0.99 (WMW)
AST 26 (22, 29) 28 (24, 31) 0.66 (WMW)
HIV monitoring
CD4 Count 370 (281, 488) 443 (381, 515) 0.33 (WMW)
VL (log 10) 3.76 (3.32, 4.21) 3.68 (3.37, 3.99)^ 0.86 (WMW)
Filaria antigen
Circulating Ag 1123 (590, 2138) $ 1.7 (1, 2.6) $ <0.0001 (WMW)

Abbreviations: HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus; FIL: Filaria (W. bancrofti antigen) positive; GM: geometric mean; SD: standard deviation; WMW: Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney; ART: highly active antiretroviral therapy, N/A: Not available; %: percent. Hgb: Hemoglobin (gm/dL); WBC: White blood cell count (x 103/mm3); EOS: eosinophils; Plts: platelet count (x103/uL); ALT: alanine transaminase (SGPT, IU/L); AST: aspartate transaminase (SGOT, IU/L); VL: viral load; Ag: antigen.

^ 52 subjects were enrolled, but 1 subject did not have baseline HIV viral load value done. These statistics are on all 52 except for the viral load.

* In addition to the 28 subjects who got ART throughout, there were 2 (3.8%) subjects who got ART only part of the time during the study. Fisher’s exact test excluded those 2 subjects.

$ Measured on only n = 12 in the HIV+/FIL+ group and n = 39 in the HIV+/FIL- group.