Fig 4. Type 1/Type 2 ratio (IL18R1+/IL1RL1+) of specific lymphocyte subsets.
Type 1/Type 2 ratio of CD56bright NK cells (A), CD56dim NK cells (B), NKT cells (C) and T cells (D). The data are expressed as percentage following lognormal transformation (A) and percentage (B-D) of cells expressing IL18R1 /IL1RL1. (A) Type 1/Type 2 ratio of CD56bright NK cells was significantly lower in 2nd trimester compared with 1st and 3rd trimesters in control pregnancies (*P<0.05), but not in T1DM patients. (B) CD56dim NK cells had significantly higher Type 1/Type 2 ratios in 1st trimester control than postpartum samples (*P<0.05). CD56dim NK cells Type 1/Type 2 ratio from T1DM patients did not significantly differ across pregnancy and postpartum. (C) Type 1/Type 2 ratios of NKT cells did not differ significantly across pregnancy and postpartum in control and T1DM patients, or between control and T1DM patients. (D) Type 1/Type 2 ratio for T cells was higher in 1st than 2nd trimesters in control pregnancies (*P<0.05), but not in T1DM patients.