Fig. 7.
The 500 ms linear time plot of the variable fluorescence response (F exp(t)) in a Kalanchoë leaf upon a 50 ms sSP50 (blue-colored) and a 1 s SP (red-colored), both of 3000 µmol photons m−2 s−1 intensity. The two pulses are given sequentially at an intermediate dark period of a few seconds; the 50 ms rising part of the sSP50 response coincides with that of the SP response. The green open open diamonds and closed red squares are of the intermediate (k 2) and slow (k 3) component, respectively of the 3-exponential deconvolution of the sSP50 decay curve. Values of amplitudes (a j) and rate constants (k j) of each of the components are given in the insert. The red colored diamonds are of the variable fluorescence curve F PP(t) + F PE(t), after summation of the respective curves from Fig. 4 (F PP) and Fig. 6 (F PE), respectively. Note the appearance of the ultra-slow decay component ((k 3)−1 ~ 0.5 s) in the decay at 50 ms and (ii) approx. equal size of the rate constant k2 in the sSP50 decay and k3 in the sSP10 decay (see Fig. 5)