Figure 1.
Passive and carrier-mediated flux of cocaine in hCMEC/D3 cells. A, Total uptake (nmol/min/mg; dashed line) was measured in hCMEC/D3 cells and plotted against total cocaine concentration in the KH incubation buffer at pHe 7.40. The straight dotted line represents the passive transport of cocaine (K passive of 1.09±0.09 µL/min/mg at pH 7.40). The solid line represents the curve obtained by subtracting the passive flux from the total flux and fitting to the carrier-mediated Michaelis-Menten term (see Equation 7) by nonlinear least-square regression. Estimated parameters for cocaine transport in hCMEC/D3 cells are: K m, 0.123±0.023mM; V max, 4.26±0.26 nmol/min/mg. Data represent means±SD of experiments performed in triplicate. B, Total (dashed line) and individual passive (dotted line) and carrier-mediated (solid line) cocaine transport into hCMEC/D3 cells fitted according to Equation 7 for concentrations <0.5mM. Data represent means±SD of experiments performed in triplicate.