Figure 3.
Temperature and time values/ranges used for comparable cooling/thawing rate computation. Schematic temperature profile in myocardium with characteristic temperature values, and temperature and time ranges for the calculation of comparable cooling rates for the first and second freezing phase (CR1, CR2) and thawing rates for the interim thawing phase (TR1). T rise is the temperature range during the first thawing phase, min(T 1F) and min(T 2F) define the minimal temperatures of the first and second freezing phase, respectively, max(T 1T) is the maximal temperature during the interim thawing phase, and t 1F(T comp), t 2F(T comp) and t 1T(T comp) are the durations needed to pass the comparative temperature range T comp in the first and second freezing phase and the interim thawing phase, respectively.