OSCAR expression in lung resident immune cells. (A) Representative light microscopy sections of normal lung immunostained with: (i) rabbit (brown) and mouse IgG1 (blue; x200 objective) control antibodies; (ii) rabbit anti-SP-D (brown; x200 objective); (iii) rabbit anti-SP-D and TTF1 mAb (blue; x600 objective); or (iv) OSCAR C-terminus mAb (brown; x200 objective). (B) Representative confocal sections of normal (i–iii) or COPD (iv–vi) lungs immunostained with: (i) goat (red) and mouse IgG2a (green) control antibodies; (ii–vi) goat anti-OSCAR (red) and CD68 mAb (green; co-localization, yellow), Bar=20μM; (iii & v) Higher magnification confocal microscopy of areas demarcated by white squares in (ii) and (iv), respectively, Bars=5μM. (vi) Alveolar macrophage (arrow) and smaller interstitial lung monocyte (arrowhead), Bar=5μM. (C) Representative confocal sections of normal lungs immunostained with: (i) SP-D mAb 245-01 (green) and goat anti-OSCAR (red), Bar=20μM. (ii) Higher magnification confocal microscopy of area demarcated by white square in (i), Bar=2μM.