SP-D functionally interacts with OSCAR. (A) TNF-α release by human CCR2+ monocytes from two different donors treated with soluble SP-D in the presence of either IgG1 or anti-OSCAR blocking mAbs, 11.20.08 or 11.20.25. (B) Representative sections of atherosclerotic lesions (tunica intima, i–iv; tunica media, v–viii) from human aorta immunostained with: (i & v) rabbit anti-SP-D (brown; x100 objective); (ii & vi) anti-OSCAR C-terminal mAb 13-9-17 (brown; x100 objective); (iii & vii) x200 objective of areas demarcated by black rectangles in (ii) and (vi), respectively; (iv) OSCAR C-terminal mAb 13-9-17 (brown) and anti-CD163 mAb (blue, x600 objective); (viii) rabbit (brown) and mouse IgG1 (blue) control antibodies (x200 objective).