Figure 3.
(top) Scatter plots showing the mean with error bars representing standard error of the percent positive CD146+ cells in T lymphocyte gate in peripheral blood and at the site of inflammation (lesional skin for psoriasis and synovial fluid for RA); (middle) the percent positive CD4+CD146+ cells in T lymphocyte gate in the peripheral blood and at the site of inflammation (lesional skin for psoriasis (n=13) and synovial fluid for RA (n=29)); and (bottom) the percent positive events in CD8+CD146+ cells in T lymphocyte gate in peripheral blood and at the site of inflammation (lesional skin for psoriasis and synovial fluid for RA). Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney students T test with 95% confidence interval on Prism 6.0 software. P values were calculated. *= p<0.05; **=p<0.001; ***=p<0.0001; ****=p<0.00001; ns = not significant. For figure A, B and C values were compared between healthy and disease; for figure D, E and F values were compared between blood and the local site of inflammation.