Figure 5. GABA released by AgRP neurons is not required for leptin's anti-diabetic actions.
(A-D) Body weight (A), glycemia (B), food Intake (9 weeks of age) (C) and body composition (9-10 weeks of age) (D) in Vgatfl/fl/Lepob/ob and Vgatfl/fl/AgRP-ires-cre/Lepob/ob male mice. (E-G) Leptin infusion for 12 days at 10 weeks of age: percent of initial body weight (E), daily food intake (F) and glycemia (G) in Vgatfl/fl/Lepob/ob and Vgatfl/fl/AgRP-ires-cre/Lepob/ob male mice. Errors bars are shown as SEM (n = 3-8/group).