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. 2015 Mar 23;5:9395. doi: 10.1038/srep09395

Table 2. The factor importance for each sub-classifier. For each of them, 10 features which contribute most to the model are presented and evaluated. “tf” and “mf” stand for the TCM and MM feature respectively, and the numbers in brackets are standard deviations. 1) the value of variable “tongue color” from 1 to 6 represent pale, light red, red, crimson, light purple and dark purple respectively; 2) the value of “tongue fur color” from 1 to 6 represent white, yellowish, yellow, deep yellow, grey and dark. 3) For the binary attribute of TCM, if the value is 1, it means the patient has such symptom, and 0 otherwise. 4) For the categorical attributes of TCM, taking feeble pulse/replete pulse as an example, −1 for feeble pulse, 1 for replete pulse and 0 for normal control.

Classifier 1 (Healthy vs. CHB)
Rank Feature Name Healthy CHB P-value
1 tf_102 Wiry pulse 0.10 (0.31) 0.66 (0.47) 7.123e−11
2 tf_44 Lack of strength 1.03 (0.19) 1.49 (0.56) 6.325e−16
3 mf_5 AST (IU/L) 19.77 (5.06) 43.48 (31.26) <2.2e−16
4 tf_100 Feeble pulse/replete pulse 0.17 (0.38) 0.01 (0.13) 0.031
5 tf_80 Tongue color 2.31 (0.97) 2.78 (1.17) 0.03576
6 tf_95 Tongue coating color 1.24 (0.51) 1.88 (0.84) 2.279e−07
7 mf_4 ALT (IU/L) 19.8 (7.68) 79.77 (89.4) <2.2e−16
8 mf_15 HBsAg (IU/L) 0.01 (<0.01) 233.29 (55.8) <2.2e−16
9 tf_98 Floating pulse/Deep pulse 0.24 (0.44) 0.06 (0.28) 0.03535
10 mf_86 Mean platelet volume (fL) 8.17 (0.96) 10.43 (1.56) 5.895e−14