Table 1.
Statistical functions, N/A: not applicable; HWP: Hardy-Weinberg proportions
Functions | Notes | References for function |
Population summary | Sample size (n); allele frequencies; number of distinct alleles per locus (k) | N/A |
Genotype summary | Lower triangular matrix with observed and expected genotype counts; significant genotypes highlighted. | N/A |
χ2test of HWP | χ2-square statistic; degrees of freedom; associated P-value for several classes of genotypes (e.g., all heterozygotes, all homozygotes, common genotypes) | (17) |
Exact test of HWP | Three modules: Markov chain Monte Carlo version based on original Guo & Thompson code (4); a modified Monte-Carlo version (no Markov chain); a module that calls Arlequin (18). | (4) |
Ewens-Watterson test of neutrality | Observed and expected homozygosity (F), its expected value, variance, and normalised deviate (Fnd) under neutrality Slatkin’s (5, 6) implementation | (7, 8)(19) |
Haplotype frequency estimation | Haplotypes frequencies estimated using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. | (20, 21) |
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) measures | Significance tested by the permutation distribution of the likelihood-ratio statistic; Overall measures of multi-allelic LD: D′ and Wn | (22) D′ (23); Wn (24) |