Figure 4.
The effect of controlled rehydration on the effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm') of photosystem II in the desiccated algal samples (see Fig.3) as measured with a PAM 2500 during the experiment (1,000–2,450 min depending on the response) in the four studied strains of Interfilum (n = 4, mean value ± SD). SAG2100: Interfilum terricola; SAG2102: Interfilum massjukiae; SAG36.88: Interfilum sp.; SAG2147: Interfilum sp. Effective quantum yield values of control algae (see Fig.3) under 40 μmol photons · m−2 · s−1 PAR was determined as 0.41–0.52 and standardized to 100% for better comparison. All measurements were done at 22°C ± 1°C. Significances among the treatments were calculated by one-way ANOVA (I. terricola SAG 2100, F15,48 = 151.9, P < 0.05; I. massjukiae SAG 2102, F9,30 = 135.9, P < 0.01; Interfilum sp. SAG 36.88, F9,30 = 105.6, P < 0.05; Interfilum sp. SAG 2147 − F9,30 = 91.4, P < 0.05). Different small letters represent significant differences among the time points as revealed by Tukey's post hoc test.