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. 2015 Mar 23;10(3):e0121451. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121451

Table 1. Clinical and laboratory features of studied PVNS patients.

Total Male Female Knee Hip
Number (%) 237 101 (42.62) 136 (57.38) 175 (73.84) 43 (18.14)
Mean age at diagnosis (mean±SD)(Y) 35.52±15.31 34.65±15.24 36.17±15.40 35.70±16.12 32.07±10.12
Gender ratio (females/males) 1.35 (136/101) - - 1.24 (97/78) 1.53 (26/17)
Laterality [no.(%)]
Left 111(46.84) 47(19.84) 64(27.00) 78(32.91) 24(10.13)
Right 119(50.21) 50(21.10) 69(29.11) 91(38.40) 18(7.59)
Bilateral 7(2.95) 4(1.69) 3(1.26) 6(2.53) 1(0.42)
Median interval from symptoms onset to diagnosis (range) (M) 18(0.2–600) 19.5 (0.2–360) 18(0.5–600) 12(0.2–600) 24(1–240)
Initial clinical symptom [no.(%)]
Pain 106(44.73) 43(18.14) 63(26.58) 60(25.32) 40(16.88)
Swelling 53(22.36) 22(9.28) 31(13.08) 66(27.85) 0(0.00)
Swelling and pain 70(29.54) 33(13.92) 37(15.61) 44(18.57) 0(0.00)
Other 8(3.37) 3(1.27) 5(2.11) 5(2.11) 3(1.27)
Comorbidities [no.(%)]
Avascular necrosis 6(2.53) 2(0.84) 4(1.69) 1(0.42) 5(2.11)
Orthopedic intervention 5(2.11) 4(1.69) 1(0.42) 3(1.27) 1(0.42)
Trauma history 40(16.88) 18(7.59) 22(9.28) 31(13.08) 6(2.53)
Treatment strategies [no.(%)]
Arthroscopy 129(54.43) 56(23.63) 73(30.80) 118(49.79) 6(2.53)
Open surgery 108(45.57) 45(18.99) 63(26.58) 57(24.05) 37(15.61)
Recurrence (events/total) [no.(%)] 48/237 (20.25) 26/101 (25.74) 22/136 (16.18) 42/175 (24.00) 3/43 (6.98)*
Median recurrence time (range) (M) 12(1–144) 12(1–108) 16.5(1–144) 12(1–120) 108(24–144)
Serum inflammatory marker
WBC (mean ± SD) (×10 9/L) 7.04±2.05 7.59±2.18 6.66±1.87 6.97±2.18 7.23±1.83
ESR (median, IQR)(mm/h) 13.5 (7.00, 30.00) 11.00 (4.00, 28.00) 14.00 (7.75, 30.25) 13.00 (7.00, 33.00) 10.00 (6.00, 20.00)
CRP (median, IQR)(mg/L) 3.06 (1.20, 8.96) 3.64 (1.72, 23.35) 2.38 (1.00, 6.71) 2.76 (1.00, 14.33) 3.23 (1.48, 7.34)

WBC = white blood cell count, ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP = C-reactive protein, IQR = interquartile range, SD = standard deviation, M = month, Y = year.

* p≤0.05