Fig 3. Three-dimensional models of the HIP2-Ub conjugate based on SAXS scattering data.
(A) Scattering data points for HIP2 (142 μM, black) along with the calculated scattering curve (red) derived from the monomeric HIP2 crystal structure coordinates (PDB 1YLA). The fit was optimized by manually modifying the position of the UBA domain (magenta) with respect to the catalytic domain (grey) in HIP2. Scattering data points for HIP2-UbCys (96 μM, black) along with the calculated scattering curves (red) determined using the relative positions of ubiquitin (blue, cyan) conjugated to HIP2 (grey) based on the coordinates for (B) UbcH5b~Ub (PDB 3JW0) and (C) Ubc13~Ub (PDB 2GMI). (D) Comparison of scattering data (black) with a more globular structure where ubiquitin is found in the closed position such as that found in a truncated form of Ubc1 (PDB 1TTE). This arrangement produced a pronounced “dip” in the calculated curve compared to experimental data. Scattering curves were calculated using the program CRYSOL.