Fig 4. A long-range cis-interaction in KMS12 cells connects the CCND1 promoter and the immunoglobulin 3’ enhancers.
(a) qRT-PCR analysis showing CCND1 expression relative to Actin in three different multiple myeloma cell lines. KMS12 cells contain a t(11;14) translocation whereas H929 and OPM2 cells have no 11q13 rearrangement. KMS12 cells express high levels of CCND1 as compared to other multiple myeloma cell lines. Expression levels were measured in three independent cell populations and error bars represent S.D. (b) A schematic of the translocated chromosome present in KMS12 cells. 3C analysis detects a large chromatin loop that links the CCND1 promoter with the immunoglobulin 3’ enhancers on the translocated chromosome. The native loops at the CCND1 locus are no longer detected. The black arrow at the CCND1 promoter represents the anchor primer. All data were collected from triplicate PCRs of two independent libraries and error bars indicate S.D.