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. 2014 Oct 29;74(10):3109. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3109-7

Table 1.

Observed numbers of opposite-sign eμ events with one and two b-tagged jets (N1 and N2) for each data sample, together with the estimates of backgrounds and associated total uncertainties described in Sect. 6

Event counts s=7TeV s=8TeV
N1 N2 N1 N2
Data 3527 2073 21666 11739
Wt single top 326±36 53±14 2050±210 360±120
Dibosons 19±5 0.5±0.1 120±30 3±1
Z(ττeμ)+jets 28±2 1.8±0.5 210±5 7±1
Misidentified leptons 27±13 15±8 210±66 95±29
Total background 400±40 70±16 2590±230 460±130