Executive functioning |
Categoric Word Fluency Task21
Measures executive functioning and semantic memory. Outcome variable: number of animals in 60 seconds |
Concept Shifting Test25
Measures attention, visual search, mental processing speed, and ability to mentally control simultaneous stimulus patterns. Outcome variables: CST A, CST B, CST C. |
Processing speed |
Concept Shifting Test25
Outcome variable: CST 0 |
Letter Digit Substitution Test24
Measures psychomotor speed that is relatively unaffected by a decline in intellectual ability. Outcome variable: LDST Delta (ie, number of substitutions read minus number of substitutions written). |
Verbal memory |
Visual Verbal Learning Test23
Examines verbal learning capacity and consolidation of verbal information into long-term memory. Outcome variables: Trial 1, delayed recall, delayed recognition, and difference between maximum score and trials 1, total score trial 1-5) |
Working memory |
Memory Scanning Test26
Measures the speed and efficiency of memory retrieval processes. Outcome variables/items to be stored in working memory: symbol ‘%’, 1, 2, 3, and 4 letters, successively. |
Information processing |
Letter Digit Substitution Test24
Outcome variables: number of substitutions read and written. |
Attention |
Stroop Color Word Test22
Examines information processing speed, selective attention, and mental control. |
Outcome variables: Stroop card I, Stroop card II, Stroop card III. |