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. 2015 Mar 10;7:36. doi: 10.12703/P7-36

Table 1. Currently known causal primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) genes.

Ultrastructural defect category Gene TEM defect/Function % of PCD cases References Model organism SD NRD RI B OM Fertility affected Ciliary beat characteristic
Outer dynein arm defect DNAH5 ODA defects/Dynein arm component ~15-20% [6870] NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Immotile cilia
DNAI1 ODA defects/ODA component ~10% [59,71,72] Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Immotile cilia
NME8/ TXNDC3 ODA defects/ODA component Rare [61] Sea urchin Yes NA Yes Yes Yes NA Normal beat frequency
DNAI2 ODA defects/ODA component ~2% [73,104] Chlamydomonas Yes NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Immotile cilia
DNAL1 ODA defects/ODA component Rare [74] Chlamydomonas Yes NA Yes Yes Yes NA Weak or no movement
ARMC4 ODA defects/Docking and targeting of ODA components ~6% [76,77] Mouse, Zebrafish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Reduced frequency or amplitude and immotility
CCDC114 ODA defects/Docking of ODAs to microtubules ~4% [78,79] Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Reduced frequency, dyskinetic or immotile
CCDC151 ODA defects; ODA and IDA defects1/Assembly of ODAs and ODA docking complexes NA [80], [105] Zebrafish, Mouse, Planaria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Immotile cilia
Outer and inner dynein arm defects CCDC103 ODA and IDA defects/Anchoring of dynein arms to microtubules Rare [65] Zebrafish, Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Reduced amplitude, uncoordinated or immotile
DNAAF3 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs Rare [60] Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Immotile cilia
DNAAF1/ LRRC50 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs 2-5% [81,83] Zebrafish, Chlamydomonas Yes NA Yes Yes Yes Yes* Immotile cilia
DNAAF2/ Ktu ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs ~2% [63] Medaka, Chlamydomonas Yes NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Immotile cilia
LRRC6 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs, transcriptional regulation of dynein arm components ~3% [84,106,107] Zebrafish, Drosophila, Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Immotile cilia
HEATR2 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs Rare [85] Chlamydomonas Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes Reduced motility
ZMYND10 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs, transcriptional regulation of dynein arm components ~5% [86,87] Zebrafish, Xenopus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Immotile cilia
C21orf59 Loss of ODAs and IDAs/Possible adaptor protein for ODA and IDA transport ~1% [88] Chlamydomonas Zebrafish, Planaria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Immotile cilia
SPAG1 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs ~3% [89] Zebrafish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Stiff and immotile cilia
DYX1C1 ODA and IDA defects/Cytoplasmic assembly of IDAs and ODAs ~3% [66] Mouse, Zebrafish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Immotile cilia
Inner Dynein Arm/Dynein regulatory complex defects CCDC40 Central microtubule pair, IDA and Nexin-DRC defects/Assembly of Nexin-DRC complexes and role in IDA attachment 2-7% [90,91] Mouse, Zebrafish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Reduced amplitude or immotile cilia
CCDC39 Central microtubule pair, IDA and Nexin-DRC defects/Assembly of Nexin-DRCs and role in IDA attachment 2-6% [67,91,92] Dog, Zebrafish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Reduced amplitude and defective beat regulation
CCDC65 Defects in IDAs and nexin links and microtubule disorganization2/ Dynein regulatory complex component Rare [88,103] Chlamydomonas, Zebrafish, Planaria No Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Stiff, dyskinetic cilia
DRC1/ CCDC164 Missing nexin links/Dynein regulatory complex component Rare [64] Chlamydomonas No Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Increased beat frequency with reduced amplitude of bending
Central pair defects RSPH4A Central microtubule pair defects3/Radial spoke protein ~2% [57,95] Zebrafish, Chlamydomonas, Mouse No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotational, uncoordinated movement
RSPH9 Central microtubule pair defects3/Radial spoke protein ~1% [57,95] Zebrafish, Chlamydomonas, Mouse No NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotational movement
HYDIN Central microtubule pair composition3 Rare [96] Zebrafish, Drosophila No Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Uncoordinated and reduced beat amplitude
RSPH1 Central microtubule pair and radial spoke defects/Radial spoke protein ~2-3% [57,58] NA No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Reduced frequency
No ultrastructural defects DNAH11 No ultrastructural defects/Dynein heavy chain subunit ~6-7% [62,97] Chlamydomonas, Mouse Yes NA Yes Yes Yes No Stiff, hyperkinetic beat
Other OFD14 NA; Centrosomal and primary cilia basal body protein; possibly involved in intraflagellar transport NA [42,108,109] Mouse NA Yes Yes NA NA NA Uncoordinated and disorganized beat
RPGR5 Missing dynein arms, central pair and/or nexin links NA [4345,110117] Dog, Zebrafish, Mouse No No Yes Yes Yes No Mix of motile and immotile cilia
CCNO6 NA; Mother centriole amplification and maturation during apical docking NA [46] Xenopus No Yes Yes Yes NA Yes* No obvious beating defects
MCIDAS6 NA; Required for deuterosome-mediated acentriolar pathway; transcriptional activator of genes required for centriole formation NA [47,118120] Xenopus No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Immotile cilia

Infertility or subfertility observed in female PCD patients as well.


Different transmission electron microscopy (TEM) defects were observed in different populations of PCD patients with mutations in CCDC151.


Microtubule disorganization was found in 5-15% of patients; Horani et al. [103] did not observe any ultrastructural defects in their cohort of patients with CCDC65 mutations, suggesting that mutations in CCDC65 cause mild structural defects.


Defects were seen in a small proportion of cilia; most ciliary ultrastructure appeared normal.


PCD is associated with X-linked mental retardation.


PCD is associated with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa.


CCNO and MCIDAS cause a PCD-like phenotype classified as reduced generation of multiple motile cilia (RGMC).


This is a preliminary finding of two null mutations in DNAH8 in one patient. Functional studies of the mutation and also investigation of the ultrastructural and ciliary beat phenotypes have not been reported.

B, bronchiectasis; DRC, dynein regulatory complex; IDA, inner dynein arm; ODA, outer dynein arm; OM, otitis media; NA, not available; NRD, neonatal respiratory distress; RI, respiratory infection; SD, situs defect;

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