Assess existing trust levels in your community |
What is the potential to build trust over time? What are common interests that you can draw upon to find common purpose?
What pitfalls or past negative experiences do you need be mindful of and overcome to build support?
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of health IT infrastructure in your community |
How can you build on existing health IT infrastructure, and what gaps do you need to fill?
How many EHR vendors will you need to engage, and what is their track record for supporting communitywide HIE?
Consider sources of funding and timing of investments |
Carefully evaluate HIE vendor capabilities |
Be prepared to engage with providers to standardize and normalize data |
Will you work with providers to agree on common coding practices, and if so, how?
How will you gain the cooperation of EHR vendors to fully support a common implementation of technical standards?
Assess the implications of privacy regulations and expectations in your locality |