No evidence of UV and tobacco smoking was identified even in melanoma and
lung cancers, respectively. (Left) We compared the proportion of C > T
(and G > A) substitutions in the CpC (GpG) context (mutational
signature for UV [
Alexandrov et al.,
2013]) between melanomas and breast cancers (controls). Because
UV shows trivial impact to the nuclear DNA somatic mutations of breast
cancers (
Alexandrov et al.,
2013), the vast majority of mtDNA C > T substitutions in the
CpC context from breast cancers were not generated by UV. (Right) We
compared the proportion of C > A (G > T) substitutions between lung
and breast (control) cancers. C > A (G > T) substitutions are
dominantly generated by tobacco smoking. Like UV, the impact of tobacco
smoking to the somatic mutations of breast cancers is trivial (
Alexandrov et al., 2013).