Ovaries expressing UAS-GFP-shrb under the control of nos-GAL4 and stained for α-spectrin (A, red) and Pavarotti (B-E, Pav, blue) a marker of the midbody. Midbody position is indicated by a yellow arrow. (A) Before abscission, GFP-Shrb localizes to the fusome (red) and at the ring canal between the GSC and the CB (See also S3B Fig.). (B) GFP-Shrb localizes specifically at the ring canal and midbody (Pav, blue) during its constriction. (C) During abscission, GFP-Shrb is enriched at the midbody, colocalizing with Pav. The ring canal is no longer visible. (D) After abscission, the fusome retracts towards the GSC and the midbody, stained with Pav and Shrb-GFP, is segregated with it. (E) GSCs with round spectrosome (late G2, M) often show colocalization of Shrb-GFP with the midbody (Pav). Scale bar: 10 μm.