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. 2015 Mar 24;10(3):e0121345. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121345

Table 1. Evaluation of 3D-ioUS.

Patient Location Aneurysm volume (cm3) 3D-ioUS availability 3D-ioUS sufficiency Aneurysm Carrier vessel Aneurysm neck Outgoing vessels Coregistration of ioUS/rDSA Comments
Pre / post Clip
1 MCA 0.133 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +/−
2 MCA 0.298 +/+ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/++ +++/++ +/+
3 MCA 0.08 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +/−
4 MCA 0.044 +/+ +++/+++ +++/++ +++/++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +/+
5 MCA 1.44 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− ++/− +/−
6 AcommA 1.4 +/− +/− −/− −/− −/− +/− −/− Aneurysm not in FOV
7 MCA/ +ICA-T 0.03 +/+ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ ++/++ +++/+ +/+
8 AcommA. 0.22 +/− ++/− −/− −/− −/− −/− +/− Aneurysm not in FOV
9 AcommA. 0.16 +/− +++/− −/− −/− −/− −/− +/− Aneurysm not in FOV
10 MCA 0.76 +/− +++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− +/−
11 AcommA. 0.98 +/− ++/− −/− −/− −/− −/− +/− Aneurysm not in FOV
12 AcommA. 1.17 +/+ +++/+ +++/− +++/− +++/++ ++/− +/+
13 AcommA. 0.64 +/+ +++/+ −/− +++/+ ++/− +++/− +/− Thrombosed aneurysm
14 MCA 1.32 +/+ +++/+ +++/− +++/− +++/− ++/− +/−
15 MCA 0.084 +/+ +++/+++ +++/++ +++/++ +++/+++ +++/++ +/+
16 MCA 0.21 +/− +++/− ++/− +++/− ++/− +++/− +/−
17 MCA 0.81 +/+ +++/+ +++/− ++/+ ++/− +++/+ +/−
18 MCA 0.13 +/+ ++/+ ++/− +/− +/− ++/++ +/+
19 MCA/MCA 0.036 +/+ +++/+++ ++/++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +/+
20 MCA 0.36 +/+ +++/+++ +++/++ +++/++ +++/++ ++/++ +/+
21 MCA/MCA 0.165 +/+ +++/++ +++/+ +++/+ +++/+++ +++/++ +/+
22 MCA/MCA/MCA 0.364 +/+ +/+ +/+ +++/++ ++/++ ++/++ +/+
23 MCA 0.01 +/− +++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− +/−
24 MCA/MCA 0.7 +/+ +++/+ +++/− +++/+ ++/− ++/− +/−
25 MCA 0.247 +/+ +++/++ ++/++ +++/++ ++/+++ +++/++ +/+
26 AcommA./MCA 0.04 +/+ +/+ −/− +/− +/− +/− −/− Aneurysm not in FOV
27 MCA 0.56 +/+ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +++/+++ +/+
28 AcommA./MCA 0.193 +/+ +++/++ ++/++ +++/+++ +++/+++ ++/++ +/+
29 MCA 2.02 +/+ ++/+ ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− +/−
30 MCA/MCA/MCA 0.59 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +/−
31 AcommA 0.77 +/+ +++/+ +++/− +++/− +++/− ++/− +/−
32 ICA-T 1.1 +/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− +/− Aneurysm partially thrombosed
33 MCA 2.5 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− ++/− +/−
34 MCA 0.068 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/+++ −/− +/−
35 ICA-T 1.81 +/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− ++/− +/−
36 MCA 0.81 +/+ +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/− +++/+ +/−
37 AcommA/MCA/MCA 0.14 +/− +++/− +++/− +++/− ++/− ++/− +/−
38 AcommA 0.1 +/+ +/− +/− −/− −/− −/− −/−
39 MCA 0.035 +/+ +++/++ +++/++ ++/++ ++/++ ++/+++ +/+

Aneurysm volumes were calculated from the maximum intensity projection (MIP) volumes of ioUS. As indicated, ioUS measurements were performed pre- and post-clipping. Two independent investigators evaluated the data which is depicted on a scale from – (not available or insufficient images) to +, ++, or +++. The overlap presents the volumetric ratio of the aneurysms.