Regulated expression of PXR by IL-6. A, Repression of PXR promoter reporters by IL-6 and BFA HepG2 cells were transiently transfected as described in the legend of Figure 2. The transfected cells were then treated with IL-6 (10 ng/ml), BFA (1μM), or the corresponding solvent for 24 h. Luciferase activities were determined with a Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System and the signals were expressed as percentages of the normalized luciferase activity of the vector reporter. B, Suppression of PXR mRNA as a function of treatment time by Thaps and IL-6 HepG2 cells were treated with Thaps at 50 nM, IL-6 at10 ng/ml, or the corresponding solvent for 0–24 h. The level of PXR mRNA was determined by RT-qPCR. Asterisk signs indicate statistical significance from the corresponding zero-time point (P < 0.05). C, Effect of Thaps at the level of IL-6 mRNA. Primary hepatocytes (n = 4) were treated with Thaps at 0.1 µM for 24 h. The level of IL-6 mRNA was determined. Asterisk signs indicate statistical significance from the solvent control (P < 0.05).