FIG 3.
ShcFFF expression does not affect apoptosis of DN thymocytes. (A) Thymocytes from the indicated mice were grown for 24 and 48 h with or without coated CD3 (10 μg/ml), and results of annexin V staining of DN thymocytes were measured by cytometry. Numbers adjacent to brackets indicate percent annexin V-positive cells. max, maximum. (B) DN thymocyte subsets from the indicated p53 heterozygous or homozygous null mice (3 weeks of age) in the Lck-Cre/ShcFFF context are presented, with total thymocyte numbers indicated on top of dot plots. Data are from 3 experiments performed with 3 animals per genotype. (C) Transcript inductions for Bcl2 (Bcl-2), Bcl2a1 (Bcl-2A1), Bcl2l1 (Bcl-xL), and Bcl2l11 (BimL) were measured by qPCR in purified DN3E, DN3L, and DN4 thymocytes from ShcFFF and Lck-Cre/ShcFFF mice. Standard deviation (SD) data were calculated from the measurement variations within 2 different experiments done in triplicate (n = 2, for a total of 6 animals per genotype). (D) Surface expression of Bcl2 and Bcl-XL in DN3, DN4, and DP thymic subsets from ShcFFF and Lck-Cre/ShcFFF mice, measured by intracytoplasmic staining (n = 3). MFI, mean fluorescence intensity.