Fig. 6. Uterine horn dilatation following rCPAF+CpG vaccination/primary genital C. muridarum infection.
Groups (n= 5–6) of C57BL/6 or μmT mice were vaccinated intranasally with three doses of rCPAF+CpG (vaccinated) or treated with PBS (mock). One month following final vaccination, mice were challenged i.vag. with 5 × 104 IFU of C. muridarum. At day 80 after challenge, the mice were euthanized, genital tracts removed, photographed at a fixed distance, and the greatest uterine horn diameters for every 5 mm of longitudinal section was measured. The average diameter for individual uterine horns and the mean ± SE of uterine horn diameters in a group are shown. Results are representative of two independent experiments.